Accreditation Procedure

Interested in being accredited for EBBD?

If you wish to offer the EBBD at your school, accreditation is required.

In the following, we will guide you step by step through the accreditation process.

Pre-check of feasibility

  • Step 1:
    Check the overview about the EBBD curriculum in order to get a first overview if your institution will be able to implement it.
  • Step 2:
    Check details of the EBBD profile and requirements in the EBBD portfolio that your institution needs to fulfil in order to become accredited.

If you are in doubt, please contact the Steering Committee member responsible for your institution for further advice.

  • Step 3:
    Being accredited for EBBD is connected with the following costs:
    (1) checking fee of € 100.00
    (2) accreditation fee of € 150.00
    (3) annual membership fee of € 200.00
    You can only be accredited for EBBD if you oblige yourself to pay these costs

Preparing your accreditation

  • Step 4:
    On the starting page of the accreditation tool you find a file where you can prepare your application conveniently in a Word document before uploading it into the tool.

    You can also directly work with the tool and save the interim results to continue work sometime later by
    – copying the link the tool provides and/or
    – inserting your email

Handing in your application

  • Step 5:
    When you are sure that you have prepared everything, insert your information into the tool and upload the declaration of honour. Compare all you have done with the checklist at the end of the tool and tick off the boxes you have fulfilled.

    If you have fulfilled everything hit the submit button.

    You can then download a PDF version of your application.

    But you will also be informed via Email by the accreditation tool that your accreditation was successfully submitted.

Finalizing the accreditation process

  • Step 6:
    You will receive an invoice from the treasurer of the EBBD e.V. for the checking fee.

    The Steering Committee member being responsible for your accreditation will inform once the accreditation is evaluated, if you have fulfilled all the requirement