‘Green competences & Recognition of Achievements through Credentials in EBBD’
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership CALL 2024,
start 15 October 2024, end 14 October 2027
- update the certificate with green competences
- provide more recognition of achievements for learners
- increase recognition and value of the certificate in Europe
- through central issuing of the certificates
EBBD GRACE consortium
- Berufliches Schulzentrum 1 der Stadt Leipzig Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Germany
- Business College Helsinki, Finland
- Gustav-Stresemann-Wirtschaftsschule Mainz, Germany
- Nazaret Fundazioa, San Sebastian, Spain
- Rijn IJssel, Netherlands
Associate Partners:
- Andrássy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Technikum Gimnázium és Kollégium, Eger, Hungary
- International Business College Hetzendorf, Vienna, Austria
- Niels Brock, Kopenhagen, Denmark
- Zespól Szkól Ekonomicznych, Czestochowa, Poland
Role is to contribute to the project by validating results and relevance for their country and college(s)
Supporting Partners:
- ADEGI-Business Association of Gipuzkoa- San Sebastián
- Centre for Multiple Value Creation- HAN – University of Applied Sciences – Arnhem
- EFVET- European Forum of Technical Vocational Education & Training, Brussels
- Haaga Helia, University of Applied Sciences Helsinki, Finland
- MicroVET, European School Heads Association, Utrecht
- Tknika- Basque VET Applied Research Centre- San Sebastián
1st kick off projectmeeting in October 2024 in Arnhem
2nd projectmeeting end January 2025 in Brussel