EBBD Conference 2021

Annaul General Conference Online 2021

By now Covid-19 has more or less become part of our lives and it seems that we still have to bear with it for a while.

This has an impact on almost everything that we undertake: in this case also our annual conference and AGM, which was scheduled in Eger, Hungary in March 2021.

Due to the necessity to further progress  the KA2 EBBD prime project and the development of the new portfolio the project group needed mandates from the AGM and that simply could not be postponed.

After an elaborate discussion the board of EBBD has had to make the difficult decision to hold the conference/AGM online also in a reduced form,  taking not much longer than a half-day session.


Despite the unfavourable circumstances 33 members participated in the Online AGM and paved the way for the necessary modernization and further harmonization of EBBD by

  • deciding about the new EBBD portfolio
  • determing the new accreditation format
  • outlining the re-accreditation process of all colleges based on the new EBBD portfolio
  • and last but not least electing the new EBBD eV Board

We also had to say good bye to our long-time chair-person Peter Ketelaars and our treasurer Brigitte Glismann. Thank you very much for your support of EBBD during all these years.