EBBD Conference 2022

Annual Conference in Barcelona

Almost exactly two years ago the Corona pandemic started – right after our EBBD conference in Vienna.  Ever since, international activities have been either completly cancled, transferred to online formats or been extremly difficult.

Therefore, we are delighted, that it was possible to get together in person again and revive the spirit of EBBD.

We left this meeting with renewed motivation to further disseminate and develop EBBD to make it THE international qualification in the field of business in Europe

During the AGM we set the course for a sustainable and successful future of EBBD by deciding about the strategy 2027, the future profesionalization of EBBD, re-accreditation and a new name under which we will be acting in the future.

Our keynote speakers on Friday provided inspiring insights into the value of EBBD, its new design and the importance of providing guidance and orientation for students and parents.

Have a look at the program and the impressions from this truly enriching experience in Barcelona.