EBBD prime
is the abbreviation for “professional recognition of internationalization, mobility and excellence”. It is out answer to the ever-accelerating digitalization that fundamentally changes the competences needed for employability and active participation as citizens.
The EBBD program also provides learning opportunities for acquiring necessary competences and attitudes besides digital competences, such as flexibility, mobility, open-mindedness, creativity, commitment, courage to experiment and learning from mistakes, as well as the willingness to make extra efforts. It fosters realistic aspirations and excellence.
Main objectives
- adjust EBBD to the challenges caused by acclerated digitalization and equip students with the competences they need in the future
- further standardize and harmonize EBBD in the different European countries by implementing ECEVT based Learning Units and the European Frameworks (Dig.Comp., EntreComp and Council Recommendations concerning lifelong learning and democratic culture and citizenship)
- strengthen the network of EBBD colleges and their cooperation with stakeholders, in particular companies
- better inform and guide students and parents
- accredit more EBBD colleges in more European countries
- EBBD portfolio (harmonized standards for all accredited EBBD colleges)
- EBBD guidelines (best practice exampels for cooperation with stakeholder as well as guidance of parents and students)
- relauch of the EBBD website
- Accreditation Tool
- Verifying Tool
- Student Portfolio
- Alumni Network on LinkedIn
- new accreditations in Austria, Denmark, The Netherlands and
- Poland (new country)
Project Partners
International Business College BHAK (Vienna, AT)
BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, DE)
EBBD e.V. (Ludwigshafen, DE)
BBS Wirtschaft 1 (Ludwigshafen, DE) – coordinator
Gustav-Stresemann-Wirtschafts-schule (Mainz, DE)
Niels Brock Copenhagen Business College (Copenhagen, DK)
Nazaret Fundazioa (San Sebastian, ES)
Business College Helsinki International (Helsinki, FI)
Andrassy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Technikum Gimnázium és Kollégium (Eger, HU)
Istituto Istruzione Superiore A. Volta (Frosinone, IT)
Stichting ROC Summa College (Eindhoven, NL)
Zespol Szkol Ekonomicznych (Czestochowa, PL)