EBBD+ 2014-2017

European Business Baccalaureate Diploma for All (EBBD+)

The original EBBD was developed for young students in school education and first implemented by several schools in six countries.

For the diploma to unfold its complete value, it had to be furhter disseminated, while facilitating the accreditation process.

The diploma was cross-checked with competences required by employers and higher education. As a result soft skills deemed particularly necessary were emphasized.

One main objective of this project was also to answer the need and interest in adult education for this kind of diploma. Therefore, it was necessary to implement validation and acknowledment informal and non-formal learning.

Project Coordinator
project coordinator second EBBD project

Helsinki Business College
Kaisu Luuka
+358 50 505 6660

Project Partners

International Business College BHAK (Vienna, AT)
EfVET (Brussels, BE)
Rudolf-Rempel-Berufskolleg (Bielefeld, DE)
BBS Wirtschaft 1 (Ludwigshafen, DE)
EBBD e.V. (Bielefeld, DE)
Aalborg Handelsskole, (Aalborg DK)
Andrassy György Katolikus Közgazdasági Technikum Gimnázium és Kollégium (Eger, HU)
Stichting ROC Summa College (Eindhoven, NL)
Universtiy of Worcester (Worcester, UK)